Your certified guide to

re-connect, re-birth, and re-wild


1:1 Coaching

The ideal choice if you’re ready for a change in your life and want support in creating your version of heaven on earth.

This is possible for you.

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private ceremonies

Sound Baths, Cacao & Medicine Ceremonies, Custom Sacred Spaces for Initiations from Life Transitions to Weddings, Pregnancy, and girls entering Maidenhood.

Give this gift to yourself or share with loved ones.

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in-person & events

In-Person Immersive Programs, Ceremonies, Retreats, Sound Baths, and more. Are you in the Greater Boston Area? Let’s get together.

This is your space to re-connect: to your truth, to your tribe, to the Earth, to the Divine.

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your life is sacred, start acting like it

Living out of alignment with your authentic self manifests in all kinds of ways. Have you found yourself feeling anxious, depressed, unfulfilled with work, lonely, un-grounded? Like you’re stuck in your go-go-go, you’re spinning your wheels and can’t slow down? Like no matter what you do, you can’t access the energy, radiance, and happiness you know is possible for you? Is there a voice in your head that says,

“there must be more to life than this?”

I’ve been there. And I know the way through.

I don’t offer a one-size fits all approach, because you are perfectly unique.

I’m not here to fix you because I don’t believe you’re broken.

I am here to show you how to access what you already know, which is how to create and live your version of heaven on earth.

Through sacred practice and age-old methods adapted for the modern man or woman, you’ll awaken a version of yourself that always knew was possible.

This resonates with me; tell me more. 

this is your time

I went from the sports and entertainment industry, to business and marketing, to life coaching, to becoming a medicine woman and priestess. My approach now includes all of the healing and personal growth modalities I’ve picked up along the way. I believe that the journey of becoming your most authentic, aligned, wild, and free self is inherently spiritual.

Whether you’re navigating a rock bottom, a place of transition, ready to up level, or you just know there’s something more, I can help you.

Through my personalized mentorship, I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve the bliss, peace, radiance, and excitement that comes with living your dream life.

what people are saying

  • “The mentorship with Paige is sustainable changes, attainable goals, and for me, it was quick results in a change in my mind, body, and soul.”

  • “Paige is one of those rare, special people who always knows what to say, and when to say it. She is filled with wisdom and I truly feel that she is changing people's lives with her work. I know she has changed mine.”

  • “After working with Paige, I know and understand who I am and have developed deeper and more authentic and happy relationships. I learned what a boundary was and how to use them. Lol!”