On Mentorship with Paige

  • Personalized

    “The mentorship was so personal and customized to me and what experience I wanted out of our time. Regardless of if you are having a spiritual awakening, a rock bottom, or just looking to build a beautiful connection and live a life that is just better and more enjoyable, this mentorship is a beautiful gift to give yourself.”

  • Tangible

    “All of the results of working with Paige were tangible. To name a few: I had continued work through the pandemic, interviewed and accepted my dream job, had the first healthy romantic relationship in my life, got my dream apartment, developed better habits, and more energy. Paige helped me shift my mindset and energy and I shifted my entire life for the better.”

  • Deep

    “After working with Paige, I feel a deeper connection to everything. I feel all the happy emotions so much stronger. I am able to protect myself from my own and others’ toxic and negative thoughts. I am able to recognize patterns and create better habits. I am able to see/ know when certain people, experiences, and even fleeting moments are gifts/teachers.”


                     meet your oracle.                         

Paige is a Priestess of the Rose, a ceremonialist, a life coach, a humble servant, and lover of life. Paige has trained in embodiment, Reiki, shamanism, polarity and Sacred Union, meditation and mindfulness, yoga and Eastern philosophy, Christian and Hebrew Mysticism, and more. She has – and continues to – hone her ability to be a channel and oracle, always prioritizing being in right relations with herself, God, Goddess, Great Spirit, and the Earth, so that she may serve others.

Paige is fostering community in the Greater Boston and New England Area through creating and holding sacred gatherings in circles, ceremonies, and retreats. Her intention is to hold the space for men and women to remember the Truth of who they are and why they are here.

She is a Cacao Priestess, and student and apprentice of various psychedelic and plant medicines. Her dream and intention is to have a Temple space where she can offer a safe and held container for people to receive the gifts these Teachers have to offer. She is also passionate about regenerative agriculture, sovereign living, and being a proper steward of the land.

Paige is a devotee of Beauty way, and her every intention comes back to being an embodied example of unconditional, Divine Love. She hopes her leadership expresses as Truth and Beauty, two of her highest values. She is deeply humbled and grateful to be able to live and serve in the most pinnacle of times.