6-week in-person divine feminine embodiment immersion

Small Group

Currently Enrolling

Tentative Location: Peabody or Ipswich, MA

A Note from Paige:

Divine feminine embodiment is not about bathing in rose petals, wearing silk robes, or pulling Goddess cards. It is about committing to a life of Love, walking by way of Truth and Beauty. It is a life driven from heart-and-womb-centered Intuition, and connection to the Earth and to the Divine. It is inherently spiritual, but it is your Spirit, not somebody else’s.

A woman embodied in her divine feminine expresses her unique soul’s fullest potential, which includes the whole spectrum: the thorns and the rose. A woman embodied in her divine feminine is a magnet to all that she deeply desires, in alignment God’s will (or, Divine will). A woman embodied in her divine feminine is in humble service, bringing magic to everything she touches.

To dedicate your life to this path is no small thing, but it is worth it. If you’re ready to embark upon this journey with me, these six weeks will serve as a deep dive. You will be invited to strip away the layers of stories about who you are so that you can make room for who you’re becoming.

We’ll cover your ego voice, limiting beliefs, identifying shadows and core wounds, inner child work, healing the mother and father wounds, balancing your inner divine masculine and feminine, sacred union, your soul’s purpose and vision, and more.

If this moves something within you, I hope you’ll fill out the form below.

Most ardently,


What You’ll Receive

the short answer

A small group of like-minded women to embark upon this journey with

Six (6) in-person 2-hour sessions facilitated by Paige

Custom homework to deepen in your journey outside of sessions

Two (2) one-on-one 1-hour Zoom coaching sessions with Paige

A private chat channel with the group

Cacao Ceremony Graduation

the sessions

Sharing in circle

Each session, we will gather in traditional women’s circle format, where each woman will have the opportunity to share and reflect on their unique journey, be seen for their truth, and loved without judgment.

receiving transmissions

Each session, Paige will teach on topics specifically chosen for this container as ones that are crucial to being able to step out of a life of over-controlling, people-pleasing, feeling constantly triggered, and being under-nourished in mind, body, and spirit, and step into your unique soul’s fully expressed self.

embodying your truth

Each session, there will be physical practices from meditation to breathwork to partner work and more. Feminine magic lies in magnetism. Our body truly is our temple and our tuning fork. You will learn and move through transformative practices to alchemize, as well as align your body’s vibration to its highest and fullest potential.

What You’ll Learn

As is the case in all of Paige’s programs, this course will be customized according to the needs of the container so that all who attend may receive the most out of it as possible. The following is an outline for the main topics we will move through.

  • Week one we will focus on identity, your stories about who you are, the roles you play, and what’s possible for your life. We will begin our journey and ceremonially commit to a path of surrender.

  • Week two will focus on shadow work. What triggers you? What are they trying to tell you? How can you actually alchemize your shadows?

  • Week three will focus on identifying and healing feminine wounding. Specifically, we will focus on the sister wound and the mother wound. You will learn not only to see your own struggles through a new lens, but to understand the thousands of years of history that applies to your every day actions and outcomes.

  • Week three will focus on identifying and healing masculine wounding. Specifically, we will focus on the father wound. You will gain a new understanding and healing of not only your relationship with your birth father and father figures, but also your relationship with the Divine Masculine, Father God, and the false Patriarchy.

  • Sacred Union starts within. We all crave union, balance, and polarity. Having stripped and built a solid foundation over the past four weeks, we will focus on what it really looks like to embody the qualities of the divine masculine and divine feminine, and how to become the magnet for your beloved- or, if you’re in partnership, how to elevate your Union.

  • Finally, in week six, we will honor how your unique vision and embodiment has crystallized so far and where your journey will take you next. We will close our container with a Cacao Ceremony and Celebration.

Total Investment:


custom payment plans are available,

please indicate if you are interested below

Are you ready to drop in?

Please fill out the form below and Paige will reach out to you shortly.